Tuesday 7 October 2014

Cinematography Exercise - Evaluation

In this short film exercise we were not aiming to create a story but towards the end we decide to make a miscellaneous plot. The story that we cam up with is that Me and my partner for this task are looking for her phone. Searching the whole school for the phone. We also achieved including all shots in out short clip. We decided to do an high angle shot for one of our sequences, because it showed how I was lost and confuse because i couldn't find this phone and how i had almost given up. The choices we made were successful as our original motive was to get the camera shots needed that would fit together to make somewhat of a story.  All of our shots were taken with as much care and as steady ad we could. Howeve, the shots that were not start was the ones without a tripod for instance the tracking shot which tilted more than we wanted it to. Also, the rolling shot was not at all smooth this was mainly because of the stiffness of the tripod which didn't allow us to do a satisfying shot we were happy with. After many attempts by both me and my partner the best outcome was what we have in the final product. All shots I felt were framed up to the needed standard. The shit which overall was not up to standard of our other shots was the again tracking shot, medium shot and rolling shot. The positive elements of out film was the outcome of the over the shoulder shot and the extreme close up. Both felt quite well constructed, and the over the shoulder shot was well rated for there not being anyone behind the camera at that point. There needs to be some improvements in our film as we have not finished the final outcome was not what we wanted. I added a shot in last minute as we forgot which thew our whole project off. Including the music and captions. Therefore that is something that we have to go back and do again.

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