Tuesday 13 January 2015

Shot List

Shot List

Shot Number
 Scene 1

Scene 2
Close up

Mid shot

Eye-line match

Wide shot

Close up

Close up

Match on action

Long shot

High angle

Wide shot



Mid shot

Close up

Mid shot

Long shot 

Shot-revers-shot (close up)

Mid shot

Point of view

Close up and point of view

Tilt and POV

Of the Spy typing on the keyboard.

Of her face looking at the computer.

Her looking at the screen and then her point of view of whats in the screen.

The girl approaching the Printer

Of the pages coming out of the printer

Of the girls heels while she's walking away

Of her coming out of the door

Of her walking down the street

Over the crowed

The station

Of the crowded train station

Of the crowded the station

Girl amongst the crowd

Of the time table

Of train going by

Girl running for the train

The girl running for the train and the train moving

Girl bumping into the man

The sheets on the floor

The wanted sheet

The man

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