Tuesday 18 November 2014

Past Student Thrillers

The following are my reviews and interpretation of the past student thrillers.

4 - Excellent
3 - Good
2 - Basic
1 - Poor

Power Cut 

This short thriller is very poorly and clumsily made, from the setting to the plot. The use of the setting was extremely basic and unsuccessful, when it comes to giving it a feel of a working office it was entirely unbelievable. The unnecessary use of black and white gave no substance to the story, there was no reason for it.  However, they had good use of camera work at the start of the film with the panning and transitions. So overall,  I would give this a score of 2.


The short film 'Hunter' shows a good representation of a well constructed thriller. The costumes are well compelled, as they portray the characters perfectly. The casting has been picked appropriately and the setting fits the story. They impressively used the bat successfully by showing it from the front making it more believable. The only issue with this is that the conversation between the detective and the PE teacher went on until it became tedious. I rated this a 3.

The Routine 

The Routine has a wide range of camera techniques, and they are all done triumphantly. Including a rolling shot and also a point of view shot at the end used to create suspense and an original take on what would of being an ordinary shot of someone walking. The shots taking with a mirror is hard to achieve without showing the camera in it to. Especially the shot with the villain in the mirror gave an element of surprise and shock to the audience. The editing was competent; even though the editing was simple it made an impact. The concept of the film and plot was adequately done to the point where it became a psychological thriller, adding great substance and story.  I gave this a 4 because of the great effort put in.

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