Tuesday 4 November 2014

Preliminary Exercise

In this task we were assigned to experiment with editing techniques: Match-on-action, Eye-line match, 180 degree and shot reverse shot and an additional graphic match, which was not compulsory. Furthermore, we successfully completed all of these styles of editing in our exercise.

Firstly, we used a graphic match with a watch and a clock, as the are both very similar in shape and uses of time. However because the sizes of the watch was far off from the size of the clock, the clock came out of line with the watch. However, the concept was achieved.

Secondly, we incorporated the eye line match into our work by having a shot of our actress looking at the report card. Then the report card all in one shot, so the audience can see what she's looking at. 

Thirdly, we used match on action twice. Once for when the actor gets out of the chair, and again for when she goes out the door. With the precise editing and camera work, I think we achieved this very 

In this assignment I think we made very little mistakes and we executed each editing technique very well. Some positive elements was the match on action because of how it seamlessly went together, with the editing,. However, I would improve the graphic match because it wasn't constructed as well as I wanted it to be. 

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