Tuesday 4 November 2014

Sound Exercise

We used a technique that allowed the punch to look more realistic by getting the angle shot from behind the girl. Where we edited in the punch sound effect so it is more believable.

We used the boom mic so the viewer could hear what was being said more clearly and louder. This was used to a great advantage and was used effectively especially for a exercise  that revolves around sound. During the making of the film we deeply considered our used of diegetic and non diegetic sounds. The non diegetic sound was the end credit music, that we added in. The diegetic sounds was the dialogue between the two people and myself. Also the punch sound effect was also a diegetic sound, because it was within the world of the short film. The off screen sound was the knocking on the door. Unfortunately we did not get the opportunity to utilize any contrapuntal sounds or a sound bridge. However we did get to insert a sound clip, which reflected the mood of the story, with the Eastenders theme tune. Overall I think that the positive elements of our film was the many uses of sound techniques we used. I would however improve this by adding a sound bridge or contrapuntal sounds.

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